- Adobe Illustrator (preferred).
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Acrobat Professional
- Final file for production supplied as either a Normalized PDF (NDFP) or Illustrator file with PDF copy.
- Include all fonts (including fonts used in supporting files) or convert type to outlines.
- Include all supporting files (for example - layered Photoshop images).
- Package and compress all files before uploading to our FTP site.
- CL&D FTP (Name file as: customer name_item) CL&D GRAPHICS FTP FILE UPLOAD
- CL&D Graphics reproduces each barcode to ensure it meets our standands of quality and scanability.
- UPC Standards: 80% minimum size | 100 micron BWR | 1/8” quiet zone | 3/8” minimum height.
- Barcodes are recommended to be printed in black. Barcode orientation can vary by package type.
- Text minimums: Positive Printing: 4 point | Reverse Printing: 4 point & bold.
- Line minimums: Positive Printing: 0.4 point | Reverse Printing: 0.5 point.
- Set Document Raster Settings to High (300 ppi).
- Remove stray points.
- Ensure white is not set to overprint.
- Ensure PMS colors are not set to 0%.
- Use keylines to avoid color variations due to web movement with a 2.88 point stroke when reversing through multiple colors or 4/C.
- Trap Size: Standard = 0.01 | Minimum = 0.007 inches.
- All images are a minimum of 300 dpi.
- All images are CMYK, Grayscale or Duotone.
- Maintain layers in all Photoshop images when applicable.
- FPO’s are clearly marked.
- Include clipping paths in Photoshop when the paths for four-color process or Photoshop images are used in trapping and screening. Note: Whenever possible, create drop shadows, glows, etc. in Illustrator.
- Process color and spot color gradients are built using separate elements combined with the top gradient’s appearance setting set to 'Darken'.
- Four color process printing should be limited to use in images.
- Note: Pantone® colors are used for the most accurate color matching.
- Swatches pallet should consist of Pantone® Plus Coated Library.